Jenni Pasanen
'Lope' is Jenni Pasanen's first long-form generative AI collection and is a study of humans as emotional animals. 'Lope' invites us to contemplate the interplay between the rational and the emotional, the programmed and the spontaneous.
Detail PageObvious Group
The 'Speciesism' collection explores the intimate relationship between human and machine. It invites the viewer to question the categorization of intelligent forms into species. As a result, this series questions our relationship towards other species, from the exploitation of animals to ensure our food chain, to the current debate around new rising forms of intelligence in the machine learning field.
Detail PageIvona Tau
'Machine-hearted' collection is an artist’s attempt to explore the large AI model’s strengths and shortcomings in expressing complex human emotions in visual form. The data it was trained on has many biases and stereotyped emotional expressions, but can it also capture some more nuanced human feelings? Or is our emotion reflected in the stone-cold interpretation of the machine? And our mind becomes the medium for the sentiment to materialize.
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Miss AL Simpson's 1st AI long-form project, 'Metamorphoses', as part of the curated group show 'Do Androids Dream About Electric Sheep?' by Kate Vass Galerie. Inspired by Ovid’s epic, AL Simpson highlights how humans often project consciousness onto AI outputs, disregarding their algorithmic nature. Skillfully utilizing the capabilities of technology of 0KAI, she combines prompts, traits, and rarities, blending the poems with her earlier analogue artwork from 2018, resulting in a captivating collection resulting in 100 unique live-generated iterations.
Detail PageGanbrood
‘Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.’ - Dante Alighieri, Inferno, Canto III. 'Algoritmo Divino' is the first AI live-generated series by Ganbrood, launched with 0KAI technology. Collector can collect AI artwork in real-time, with the encrypted seed & rarities the artist uniquely integrates. 333 unique iterations minted in-real live.
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