
What is K011


K011 serves as a specialized art and tech studio, unifying curated art and the power of web 3.0 – represented by our name, where ‘K’ stands for ‘Kuration’ (German) and ‘011’ symbolizes the binary code for ‘.3’. We spotlight a dynamic mixture of emerging and established artists, exploring the fascinating fusion of art and tech.

Our mission centres around developing unique technologies that become an integral part of the artistic process, allowing creatives to fully immerse themselves in digital art’s innovative potential.

At K011, we offer various minting techniques to suit the requirements of each artist, whether it’s the sophistication of long-form generative art, contemporary performance art like PAL, or pioneering innovations like ‘0KAI’ that enable AI artists to bring their model specifications to life across entire collections.

At its core, K011 represents the convergence of art and technology. We offer experiences to collectors that respect the time-honoured traditions of artistic expression while fostering the limitless potential of the digital era.

What is 0KAI


0KAI offers a unique platform that empowers AI artists to present dynamically generated long-form collections. At its core, 0KAI facilitates artists in fine-tuning open source machine learning models, providing them with a comprehensive toolkit to guide the AI towards their envisioned creation.

This process is a delicate balance of controlling the models while embracing an element of chaos. Although we predominantly use open-source models, the specific settings chosen by the artist remain confidential, safeguarding their creative secrets.

Such secrets manifest as metadata linked to the artwork and are recorded on-chain as attributes. This approach tantalizes collectors, allowing them to speculate on the settings behind each masterpiece. While revealing these settings and seed could allow for the artwork's recreation, doing so would risk exposing the artist's unique techniques, making them susceptible to idea piracy.

For collectors, the excitement lies in the unpredictability. Upon hitting the mint button, the model begins its generative process, and the end result remains a mystery until its completion.

We grant artists unparalleled freedom, from customising datasets and crafting prompts to modifying their smart contracts. This ensures that each minting process remains an unbridled act of expression.